Innovative energy-saving ester-containing fully synthetic premium engine oil specially developed for modern diesel engines and a number of petrol engines in FORD and VOLVO vehicles, considering the requirements for heavy-duty operation and extended engine oil change intervals. The oil can be used in petrol and diesel engines of European and Asian car manufacturers requiring API SN and ACEA A5/B5 oils.
Product properties:
– Ester components provide excellent anti-wear and anti-friction properties due to the exceptional durability of the oil film, which, combined with excellent pumpability, significantly increases engine life even in “start-stop” mode;
– Significantly saves fuel due to the reduced high-temperature viscosity (HTHS) and excellent anti-friction properties;
– Effectively protects the timing belt from wear, offers an increased total base number (TBN) and excellent compatibility with sealing materials, following additional requirements of FORD;
– Provides easy, low-temperature engine starting due to its excellent pumpability and particularly turnability, which significantly reduces engine starting wear;
– Effectively protects the timing belt from wear, offers an increased total base number (TBN) and excellent compatibility with sealing materials, following additional requirements of FORD;
– A synthetic base guarantees low volatility and reduced operating consumption;
– Excellent washing and dispersing properties, together with the highest thermal-oxidative stability, effectively prevent all types of deposits and keep engine separate parts clean throughout the oil change interval;
– Due to its high thermal-oxidative stability, it resists ageing effectively, thus extending the oil change interval;
– Suits bio diesel engines.
Designed for diesel engines of passenger vehicles by FORD, VOLVO and GM, where SAE 5W-30 oil is recommended, which complies with the ACEA A5/B5 standard and meets FORD WSS-M2C913-D specification, as well as for petrol and diesel engines of these brands where previous specifications 913-C, 913-B and 913-A oils are recommended.
This oil is not suitable for use in heavy trucks and similar vehicles!